Worried about pest birds like pigeons damaging your property or becoming a nuisance? You’re likely considering various control methods.

One common “solution” often suggested is using a BB gun to shoot the birds that regularly visit your site. However, it’s essential to understand that shooting birds is heavily regulated in the UK.

In this guide, we’ll explain the legality of BB guns for bird control and discuss some humane and effective alternatives that we recommend to our customers.

Which Birds Can You Legally Shoot in the UK?

In the UK, bird shooting is regulated by specific wildlife protection laws. For example, the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 protects most bird species, making it illegal to kill or harm them.

However, there are exceptions that allow you to shoot certain species of game birds, quarry birds, waterfowl (ducks, geese, waders), and others, but only during a defined shooting season.

Additionally, General Licenses allow for the legal control of bird species of low conservation concern to protect public health and safety. As per these licenses, you don’t need to apply for one, provided you have read, understood, and will abide by the terms and conditions.

It’s important to note that BB guns may not meet the required standard to be classified as air rifles, and shooting birds with these weapons risks prosecution under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981.

Can You Shoot Pigeons in the UK?

Although pigeons were once a domesticated species in the UK, they’ve long been regarded as a pest in urban areas. Landowners and farmers have shot them for many years. However, as of 2024, shooting everyday pigeons is illegal.

Like other wild birds in the UK, pigeons are protected. If you’re experiencing a pest bird issue with this species, it’s crucial to understand the strict laws surrounding them.

Landowners may use a General License (GL42) to shoot and control feral pigeons with a licensed air rifle if they’re causing damage to crops or property.

Is It Illegal to Shoot Invasive Birds in My Garden?

Certain invasive bird species found on your property can be controlled under specific conditions, but shooting a bird in your garden with a BB gun can lead to legal trouble.

Some species can be managed under a General License, as mentioned earlier, but the methods must be humane and comply with strict legal requirements.

Can I Use a BB Gun on Pigeons?

We do not recommend shooting pigeons with a BB gun, as it could result in disproportionate harm to the bird, potentially classifying it as animal cruelty under the Animal Welfare Act 2006.

Additionally, discharging BB guns in a public setting, including your property, is illegal if it endangers others.

What Is the Best Pigeon Deterrent?

Instead of using potentially harmful methods like a BB gun, consider safer, humane, and more effective pigeon deterrents. We believe humane and non-lethal methods should always be the first choice when managing bird populations.

Methods such as netting, bird gels, audio-visual deterrents, and falconry are all effective ways to manage pest birds. At Urban Hawks, we use these tried-and-tested methods to help our customers prevent pigeons from roosting or nesting on their properties without causing harm, ensuring compliance with relevant UK wildlife laws.