Do wind chimes keep pigeons away?

Wind chimes date back to ancient China, where they were used to ward off evil spirits and bring wealth and prosperity to the home.

In the modern day, while wind chimes are used as a pleasant-sounding addition to our homes, they’re potentially performing a similar function by keeping pigeons away.


Can birds hear wind chimes?


Most birds, including pigeons, have better hearing than humans.

They can detect a wide range of sounds and frequencies, including those produced by wind chimes.

Naturally, birds will not interpret the enjoyable melodies in the same way as humans do, but they will hear them.

The soft tones produced by some wind chimes have been shown even to attract birds and cause the population to increase in an area. Learn more about how birds perceive sound.


Will wind chimes scare away pigeons?


It has been suggested that wind chimes can be an effective and more humane method to deter birds such as pigeons, particularly in residential settings.

Pigeons, like humans, never know when the wind will blow, so the unexpected sound produced by wind chimes can startle them and discourage them from staying in an area they perceive as unsafe.

However, some pigeons may enjoy the delicate sounds produced by your chosen wind chime and decide to stay.

Ultimately, the effectiveness of wind chimes keeping pigeons away depends on the frequency and volume of the chimes and how each individual bird responds.


How to use wind chimes to keep pigeons out of my backyard


Bigger is better


Not all wind chimes are created equally!

Pigeons and other birds often enjoy the sounds produced by smaller wind chimes, so it’s important to install a larger, more robust model to create a louder and more startling sound.

You may also want to experiment with different types of wind chimes over time to prevent the pigeons from becoming accustomed to the sound.

The more varied the pitch of your wind chimes, the less inclined pigeons will be to stick around.




Position your wind chimes in areas where you notice pigeons frequently roosting, such as near food and water sources and potential nesting sites.

This will help you to create a less appealing environment and encourage the birds to seek shelter elsewhere.




The temperamental British weather can play havoc on wind chimes, which is why keeping them clean and properly maintained is essential to ensure they work effectively.

Any rust, dust or debris built up on the metal or wooden tubes can reduce the sound and, therefore, reduce how effective they are at deterring pigeons from your property.


Other deterrents


When used in conjunction with other bird deterrents, wind chimes can be an effective bird control solution.

We regularly assess customers’ properties and recommend implementing a number of strategic bird control measures that are best suited to their needs.

This can include visual deterrents such as falconry or physical barriers such as bird spikes, bird netting, and bird gels to create a multi-layered approach that comprehensively covers the entire site.


So, do wind chimes keep pigeons away?


While wind chimes aren’t guaranteed to keep pigeons away, they can serve as a valuable addition to your bird control strategy.

If you’re interested in learning more about the bird control solutions we provide, please feel free to visit our dedicated page or get in touch with us today by dialling 0151 345 6854 or send an email to