Can drones be used to scare birds?

Managing bird populations is an ongoing challenge in urban spaces.

Many property owners opt for bird control solutions, including bird-proofing their sites, installing audio-visual deterrents and using falconry services, but not all these methods are suitable or sustainable.

One alternative that’s attracted attention is the utilisation of bird control drones as a more efficient and environment-friendly approach.

But the question people are asking is; can drones really scare birds away?


Will a drone scare a bird away?


As technology has evolved, drones offer a more promising solution for managing bird populations in urban spaces.

Equipped with features such as flashing lights, rapid movement, and loud noises, drones possess the capability to deter birds from roosting or nesting in and around properties.

Unlike traditional bird control methods, drones can cover large areas quickly and access hard-to-reach spaces such as roofs, which can reduce the need for other deterrents.


What does science say about the interaction between birds and drones?


In recent years, Washington State University researchers have employed automated drones to protect crops from several bird species that cause millions of dollars in damage each year.

As part of these studies, scientists have developed camera systems similar to those used to deliver Amazon packages and computer algorithms to allow drones to operate independently and use AI to monitor bird activity and deter them from settling in unwanted areas.

The study has even shown that the current generation of drones has been able to successfully scare away birds simply by hovering around them.

These drones offer businesses a more effective and affordable tool to help keep these pests at bay, with one experiment demonstrating how drones can reduce the number of birds in an area fourfold.

However, the long-term efficacy of unmanned bird control drones will have to continue to be tested in various urban settings.


Effectiveness of drones in bird control


Although drones for bird control are still in development, they offer a promising alternative to managing bird populations.

In various urban settings, drones equipped with audio-visual deterrents can help scare birds away from an area and ensure comprehensive property protection.

As drone technology continues to develop, these aerial vehicles could offer more cost-effective alternatives to traditional bird control methods.


Ethical considerations before using drones for bird control


As with all bird control solutions, it’s essential to consider the ethical implications. Under the Wildlife & Countryside Act 1981, all wild birds, nests, and eggs are legally protected. Therefore, all bird deterrents used in urban settings must prioritise bird welfare and well-being.

When deploying drones, it’s important to ensure they don’t disturb active nesting sites in the breeding season and that measures are taken to avoid direct harm to birds.

Drones should always be operated and programmed responsibly to minimise disruption to the surrounding environment and to protect the privacy of those in the vicinity.

Ultimately, ethical considerations for the birds, local ecosystem, and residents should always guide how you use your bird control drone when managing bird populations.