Pigeons have become an everyday part of city and suburban life, often seen as harmless birds flying from place to place looking for food.

However, when they perch on your property, you might notice problems start to arise from unsightly droppings to potential health hazards.

In this guide, we’ll discuss what attracts pigeons to certain properties, how to stop pigeons perching, and how the Urban Hawks team can assist you.

What Attracts Pigeons to Perch?

Until the mid-20th century, pigeons were a highly domesticated species in the UK, but around this period they were released into the wild and left to their own devices. Since then, they’ve learned to adapt and thrive in modern urban environments nationwide.

Often, they’re drawn to spaces with sources of food, water, and shelter, such as rooftops, window ledges, balconies, and other prime perching spots. Anywhere that provides safety and will ensure they can remain undisturbed is the perfect place to perch and eventually nest.

How to Deter Pigeons from Sitting on a Fence

Fences offer an ideal vantage point for pigeons to perch on, so to prevent them from staying there, you should consider making certain modifications, including:

  • Bird spikes or wire strips: These deterrents create an uncomfortable surface that makes it nearly impossible for pigeons to land.
  • Bird netting: You’ll often see bird netting secured across balconies, roofs, and fences to prevent birds from accessing certain areas or perching.
  • Bird gels: These non-toxic gels are another humane method of preventing birds from perching on fences as they create a slippery surface that is uncomfortable to land on.
  • Remove food and water: In some areas, you will see pigeons perching on fences where there is regular access to food and water. By reducing these resources, you’ll notice a decrease in the number of birds.

Can You Make a Homemade Pigeon Deterrent?

For properties struggling to manage a small number of perching pigeons, there are several homemade deterrents to consider, including:

  • Reflective objects: Mirrors, reflective tape, and hanging discs confuse and deter pigeons as the sudden flash of reflected light can be startling.
  • Strong smells: As with humans, pigeons can also be put off by strong scents such as chili powder and will be deterred from staying in an area with these pungent smells.

What’s the Best Pigeon Deterrent?

The best pigeon deterrent will vary between sites; however, there are a number of methods our team regularly implements for clients to deter nuisance birds.

As mentioned, bird spikes, netting, gels, and removing resources are all effective modifications that can be made to popular perching areas on your site, but they are not the only options. Audio deterrents, such as ultrasonic devices that emit high-pitched sounds, are another effective method of scaring pigeons from your property without disturbing people in the area.

Falconry is another service we provide that achieves long-term results for our clients. Given falcons and hawks are the natural predators for most birds, they’re one of the most effective methods of scaring pigeons away and keeping them off your site.

Notice Pigeons Perching on Your Property?

Urban Hawks can help bird-proof your property to prevent birds from perching and nesting.

Don’t hesitate to contact us today by dialling 0151 345 6854 or sending an email to us at info@urbanhawks.co.uk.